Copyright 2007-2012
Built with Indexhibit

Rio Cauca tributary near the town of Anzá en route to Santafé de Antioquia

Projection (Photography based video) • 6:07 min. loop.
Variable dimensions.

Note: Fix volume at 25% max.


Afluente evoques the colonial dream of opening a new agricultural frontier through hard work that would provide the foundation for a prosperous future as represented in Horizontes, one of Colombia's emblematic paintings by F. A. Cano. Afluente is a photo-based video piece made in the context of the Atlas of the Andes project. The combination of still and moving images enables the expansion of a landscape's narrative and descriptive possibilities adding new layers of complexity to it's understanding.


En el horizonte de Cano, Sala de Artes, Universidad Eafit, Medellín, 2013.


Colección Jan Mulder, Lima.
